Voda is committed to providing musicians with the ability to take their performance to the next level.
Based out of Ann Arbor Michigan, United States, Voda, was founded by father/son duo Gary and Tony Ceccolini.

First creative whiteboard meeting

The Rota's center of rotation is offset to the trumpets center of gravity increasing centrifugal force making it easier to start and maintain a consistant spinning motion. Its Science!

The Rota is made of an all weather ABS plastic and the bearings used are high-quality and rubber sealed. Rain, Sleet or Shine. Spin away!

The Rota's three valve shell and strap enable a unversal fit to all standard trumpets.
Three weeks after The Rota launched in October of 2020, Sonic: Sax and Brass asked if they could feature The Rota in the Jannuary 2021 Issue.

Not long after the Sonic issue, Voda partnered with J.W Peppers, Thomann Music, and Dillion Music with a goal of distributing Rota's to trumept players across the world.

Initially started as a way to spend time together, Gary and Tony never would have imagined Voda would be the success it is today. Thank you to everyone for the support!